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Mail stories to 1670 Cherokee Drive Pleasant Grove UT 84062

***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's Give a Family in Need a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

The holiday season... it is the "most wonderful time of the year" afterall, isn't it?  For most it is. It's about beautiful lights and decorations, wonderful gifts wrapped in golden bows, and a time to celebrate the season with family.

But for some, it's one of the most difficult times of the year.  That's what we're here for, to help relieve some of the burden these families face.

We're excited to help one special family in particular.  We were introduced to an amazing lady who is doing everything she can to support not only her own children, but her grandchildren while their mother battles with an addiction. She stays strong as acts as if her health is not ailing her, even though she is struggling with the debilitating affects of MS. And while the kids are in school, she volunteers at the food bank and blesses the lives of everyone she meets.  She truly has a heart of gold.

Their needs are simple and we want to make sure that everything is delivered no later than this Saturday, December 21st so that she has enough time to get it all wrapped for Christmas.  Drop offs can take place at:

Texas Roadhouse-Lehi
1402 E Main St
Contact: Mallory Meacham 801-735-5013

Everest College
3280 W 3500 S.
Contact: Jenn Draper 801-357-9716

Ethan Allen
10390 S State St
Contact: Michael Mathie 801-750-8084

Pick-ups can also be arranged with enough notice.


Sz 12 slim skinny jeans
Boys M shirts
Mens Shoes 5
Snow sled

16 reg skinny jeans
Boys XL shirts
Mens Shoes 6
Snow sled

5 or 6T girls shirts
Girls shoes 9
Barbie van

5T boys shirts
Boys shoes 9
Loves Ninja Turtles

Gift cards (suitable for a teen girl), big pillows, and a purple cheetah blanket

Gifts cards (teen boy) airsoft gun and protective gear

Gifts Cards and Mens shoes sz 9

Please make sure any purchases include gift receipts just in case the sizes need to be exchanged.  Gifts cards for groceries are also welcome.  And we need wrapping paper and bows donated as well so all these fun gifts can be wrapped! Thank you in advance and please contact one of us for any questions!  God bless! XOXO

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Santa's Sneaky Elves are at it AGAIN!!!!

Last year a darling little family in need got much more than they bargained for!  They were almost at the point where all hope was lost, when Santa's Elves got busy.  Not only did they get an amazing Christmas full of gifts wrapped in sparkling bows, but they got new furniture, a clean home, a fridge stuffed full of food, and a fun night out at the skating ring with messy pizza faces to top it all off.

Help us make this dream turn into another amazing family. This year it's Christine's turn. She has four kids and an amazing attitude full of love of life. Unfortunately she has lost everything including her job, her home, she is currently living in the YMCA with her kids, and has no idea how she is going to get through the next month. On top of that she is having a severe knee problem and has no insurance. Please help us help her and make a difference to a family in need.

The details:

Norman is 10. His favorite colors are orange and blue. He is your typical fun loving boy, loves video games and Legos, and he loves to read and draw.

Jordan is a beautiful 9 year old girl. Her favorite colors are pink and purple, and she loves Lolly Loops, dolls, and anything fluffy or girly.

Patrick is 19 and his favorite color is blue.  He desperately needs size 81/2 shoes and clothes for a job. He also loves Pokemon.
Keesha is 17 and loves pink and purple as well. She is also as girly as they come and she loves to keep diaries and make jewelry.

Christine has a heart of gold and would go hungry to provide for her kids. She desperately is actively seeking a job and anything would help!!!

More sizes and information is on its way! Gift cards, items, donations or anything else you can help with would be amazing.

Questions? Please contact:

Bobby Smith 801-792-3163
Tiffany Nastasia Messinger at 801-649-9257
Michael Mathie at 801-750-8084 or
Mallory Meacham. 801-735-5013
Jenn Draper 801-357-9716

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are also looking to add one more family so if anyone knows of a family in need please let us know. Xoxo!

Stockings, blankets, and treats!!! Oh my!!!

Here we are in November.  We're just two days away from Thanksgiving.  A day to be thankful for our blessings, our triumphs, and our families.  It has become far too easy to get so caught up in these blessings and too caught up in preparing for the holidays, that sometimes we tend to overlook the very things we should be paying the most attention to.

Unfortunately, many this year will not be celebrating their holidays in the warmth of theirs or their family's homes.  Many are struggling to even have the very basics.  Things that we often take for granted.  Toothbrushes, lotion, soaps, even card games. 

Join us December 2nd at 7pm to help the families at the YWCA shelter.  We will be stuffing stockings full of desperately needed items.  We will also be accepting blanket donations and coats to take there as well. 

Delicious cookies and varities of hot chocolate will be provided.  I'm sure some awesome entertainment will be thrown in as well!

If you cannot make it to the event, please donate items or money via the Paypal link. Even $1 helps!

When:  Monday, December 2nd
Time: 7:00pm
Location: 373 N 480 W American Fork

If you are not sure what items can be donated, please feel free to send me an email and I will get back with you asap!

Happy Giving!!!! Xoxo