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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Service IDEAS!!!!!

1. Operation Christmas Child- Stuff a Shoe Box with Gifts for the World's Underprivileged Children

Done through the Samaritan's Purse Organization - Franklin Graham, President. Your can fill shoe boxes with gifts that send hope and much-needed items to children in designated places (it varies each year). This is a hands-on project, for which you will be collecting anything from toys to hygiene items. Gifts must be new and a $7.00 check per box is needed to cover shipping charges.

Visit for ideas on what should be included in the boxes, drop-off locations and resources. Their National Collection Week is November 17-24th.

Angel Tree - Gifts for Children with Parents in Prison

Organized by Prison Fellowship, founded by Chuck Colson. Angel Tree is a way to reach out to kids and also reach their moms, dads and grandparents experiencing hard times due to the other parent (or sometimes both) serving prison time.
Visit to register.

3. Volunteer for your neighborhood's Homeless or Underprivileged
There are probably several hard-working ministries to homeless people or poverty-stricken communities in the area. Many of these ministries are flooded with volunteers only at Thanksgiving and Christmas time, so volunteer early.

You and your group can go to serve food. If you can't get away from your family on Christmas day, some of these organizations need volunteers the day before as well to count or wrap gifts or separate food bags, clothes or toys that have been donated.

4. Gather people to perform a Christmas play or concert at a local Juvenile Detention Center or Nursing Home

If you are rehearsing a Christmas play or concert for a school or church groups arrange to perform it as a service! This makes a great dress rehearsal before the formal presentation! Or go Christmas caroling and spend time with those who are lonely during the Holiday season.

5. Take a group of younger At-Risk Kids out for Activities with a school or church youth group

How to do it: Go to a nearby elementary or
middle school and see if they have a class of "at-risk" kids - children or pre-teens who might be at risk for dropping out of school due to a troubled home situation or other extenuating circumstances. Offer to take these kids with the youth group on a Saturday outing around Christmas.

If the school is willing to provide an escort and parents are willing to sign permission, have the teacher get each child in the class to write their names, likes and dislikes on a piece of paper.

Put these pieces of paper in a bag and have each of your youth draw a name. That youth is paired up with that child for the day. Have each youth take from their own allowance or collect donations of $10.00-15.00 to take on the day's activity for admission fees and a snack for themselves and the child. Go to a roller- or ice-skating rink, bowling, or similar activity.

Toys for Tots - Organized by the United States Marine Corps.

Collect new, unwrapped toys for needy children. Some states have their own Toys for Tots branch organizations. Find a local campaign office by going to You put in your state, and look for your closest listing. Call the Toys for Tots office, get drop-off locations and the deadline date.


Relieve a caregiver, help a family who can’t afford a babysitter, clean the home of a home bound or physically challenged person as a Christmas gift. Provide a meal for someone who is in need. Shovel snow from walk and drive ways, rake leaves, etc. for those who are unable to themselves. So many ideas all around you! Keep your eyes open for any opportunities that come your way!
Help give Christmas to a needy family this year!

Feed the hungry

Share your time with others and Give LOVE!!!

Get to work!!
*** If you are unable to provide the time but have the means to help and would like to, please contact me through email.

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