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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

find HAPPINESS by serving and loving others

I have a very good friend who recently found out her husband has two really rare diseases & will have to receive a bone marrow transplant soon. During the Christmas season when she had a lot to worry about with her husband & three children she organized a sub for Santa for a family who had nothing for Christmas. I was able to participate and see the wonderful gift of service my friend orchestrated for a family when she herself was going through hard times. It just shows that people can find happiness in their darkest hour by serving and loving others.

made his Christmas a little brighter

#77- #78

This year for Christmas we gave money to a sweet young couple who have hospital bills galore!!! The husband was in a serious motorcycle accident and nearly lost his arm.  He is still in rehab and there is still a possibility he may never be able to use the arm again.  They just got married a few months before the accident and did not have insurance yet, so they will have hospital bills for a long time.  I also have done her hair and her mom's hair for free.  The parents have been very helpful and have had them in their home helping him recover.  I wish them a well and a speeding recovery.


My real dad is back in my life and needs his family.  Well, maybe he doesn't really need us, but we, my 2 brothers and I, are helping him.  He broke his hip and was in a rehab for several months and now he is in a care center.  He is an alcoholic and has lived poorly for the last 15 years.  We are hoping that this experience has made him think about staying sober.
So I've tried to stay close to him and help him feel like he has children who love him, will forgive him, and will stay close to him.  He is almost 80 years old.
Christmas day the family and I went to go see him. He kept saying that he would be okay and that we didn't need to come.  I tried to get him to come down and stay with us for Christmas but he said no, that he was okay to stay there. I know its not what my kid's would have wanted to do, it's an hour away and I know they would have preferred to see their friends, but I said "WE ARE GOING!" and they complied. 
We took him a dog, which he fell in love with and some other presents.  I am so glad we went.  I didn't want him to be alone on Christmas.  I appreciate my family supporting me and going to see him.

It's funny because I read a story, at my husbands suggestion, after Christmas "A Stranger for Christmas" by Carol Lynn Pearson about 2 older ladies in a rest home that wanted to share in a real Christmas.  Here is an excerpt from the story. 

"Wouldn't that be wonderful? What if a family, a real one with children and everything, walked right in the front door here and said, 'We'd like to borrow a Grandma for Christmas.  Let's see.  That one over there, the one with the red hair.  We'll take her...' " 

 It brought tears to my eyes as I read it because I was so close to not going up there Christmas day.  I figured it wouldn't matter if we went another day, but I think he was grateful and it made his Christmas a little brighter.  It made us all feel good too.

Thanks Mal for doing this.  For making us think, for making us serve, for making us remember the true meaning of Christmas, for helping us to serve our Lord by serving our fellowmen.

I love you,

I love you too Mom! Thanks to you and Dad for being such great examples of Love, Service, and Giving to others. I remember being very young and being taught to serve those in need and never pass judgement. It has truly been a blessing in my life to serve others and to have compassion for those in times of need!

My life is a Blessing!


During the Holiday's I was able to give to the salvation army and donate cans at the grocery store for the food bank. It wasn't much but I hope that whenever there is a need for help that I will be able to donate time, money, or care to whoever is in need, even if it is very small. I am thankful for this opportunity to serve and know that my life is a blessing! I will give thanks for that!


someone was thinking of ME

This is my story... I received an email a few days before Christmas. It was from some of my coworkers at Intermountain Medical Center ER. They wrote that they had extra gifts left over from the sub for Santa this year and that I had been nominated to receive it! "I was like is this a joke?!" I emailed her back and she replied with, "Nope! It wasn't a joke and that one of my coworkers nominated me!"
Needless to say, I was very surprised and very grateful. I have always been on the giving end of things, and this time I was on the receiving end. My heart was so full, not because of the money part of it, but that someone was thinking of me. They knew that I had had a rough year and knew that I needed a little help. It felt so good to think that someone thought I was deserving of it. It made me feel really good to know someone was looking out for me. I am so grateful for good people with good hearts.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Good, Lovely People!


Dear Mallory,

     I just wanted to share with you and your readers how grateful I am for wonderful, giving, people with big hearts!

     I have a friend who has 2 children and had been laid off earlier in the year.  She started her own small business, cleans homes for people, and barely makes it through each months bills. Things were looking meager for her 12 year old son, who has Cerebral Palsy.  She came into my office one morning and broke down in tears wondering how she would provide some simple things her son had asked Santa for (he still believes, and is still 4 years old in many ways).   I asked her to make a list of things he wanted.  I told her not to worry, that some how we would see what we could figure out to make at least some of them happen. 

     I didn't know how I would make it happen!  I was a little concerned, myself, about helping my Sister. She needed to get out of an abusive relationship, and had just moved from Nebraska to Utah, over night, with only what she could fit in her car, along with her 7 month old twin boys and 4 year old daughter.  She doesn't have a job, and is trying to get into nursing school.

     A few days later I saw Mallory's request for families in need!  I couldn't believe it!  I typed as fast as I could!  I was so excited for the chance to get some help for them!  Mallory's email said that someone had donated money to her anonymously to help Families in need.  I quickly gave her a list for my sister and my friend.  I didn't know how much she would be able to get for them, but I knew what ever she could get, it would be more than I could do, and more than they would ever expect.  It was so exciting to see relief on my sisters face when she received the gifts!

     To Mallory and Whomever donated very generously, thank you for givingWith so much selfishness and ugliness in the world it's good to know there are still good, lovely people!  Experiencing this blessing was the best gift I received this Christmas!  
Thank you, and may God bless you!
