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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

someone was thinking of ME

This is my story... I received an email a few days before Christmas. It was from some of my coworkers at Intermountain Medical Center ER. They wrote that they had extra gifts left over from the sub for Santa this year and that I had been nominated to receive it! "I was like is this a joke?!" I emailed her back and she replied with, "Nope! It wasn't a joke and that one of my coworkers nominated me!"
Needless to say, I was very surprised and very grateful. I have always been on the giving end of things, and this time I was on the receiving end. My heart was so full, not because of the money part of it, but that someone was thinking of me. They knew that I had had a rough year and knew that I needed a little help. It felt so good to think that someone thought I was deserving of it. It made me feel really good to know someone was looking out for me. I am so grateful for good people with good hearts.

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