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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Family of 9

I have received word of another family in need! Please help out if you can! Click on the Donate link on the right side of my blog if you would like to help this family!! Thankful for even the smallest amount! Lets help them have a Christmas.
This is a call to arms my friends. I was just called my my dearest friend about a family with 9 kids who truly are going without Christmas this year. I need as many helpers and I can to give them a Christmas to remember. One of the 9 kids is autistic so they have many challenges already. If you can help out with even a small gift, please let me know. I know we are all struggling, so I figure if we all can pitch in together than it won't be too much for anyone individually. Thanks everyone. -Michael Mathie

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