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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Its that time again...

So excited to start this tradition once again! Last year was so successful that I got so enthralled in the experience and wasn't able to post all the great experiences you and I were apart of! I will make sure to share with you because they were very inspiring and I know it will motivate you to get involved this year if you haven't yet! 
We were able to help so many families and people; definitely a Christmas Miracle! I know those of you that were involved would agree.  I would LOVE to top that this year and make it even bigger!
If you have an idea for service, or know of a family or individual in need please contact me via facebook or email. I need your eyes and hear to be open to the many opportunities we have to serve. The Christmas season comes and goes so quickly. Its best to start early!
Please encourage others to read my blog and to get involved.
Spending my love and thanks in advance! I feel so blessed to be apart of this every year and hope that together we can brighten and bless so many lives!