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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

may your eyes be open to many serving opportunites

Another story has arrived!! This is #4 Keep em comin!!
 Ok so me and my husband Ryan decided to do a little secret Santa. I visit taught the bishops wife in my old ward and noticed a huge hole in thier ceiling one time when I was over there. I know how busy and crazy there lives were at the time. They had a son on a mission and I'm sure they were a little money tight as most of us get in the  holidays and such. My husband happens to be a drywaller. So sneakily I contacted there son, who is my age, and arranged the whole thing! We were able to get it fixed when no one was home so that it would be a surprise! 
 It was a great feeling to know that we can stop and take time for someone else and to keep in mind those around us even though we feel so busy over the holiday season. I plan to keep this tradition up for years to come. It helps our little family get in the holiday spirit. Thanks mal.

Such a great idea to use your own talents and rescources to help someone in need! A special thanks to Whitney and her husband for their story and for keeping their eyes opened to serving!! Love you!

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