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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Friday, November 19, 2010


We are looking to provide a great Christmas for 6 children that lost their father last year. If you would like to be a part of it please let me know.
Here is the wife and children that were left behind.
Six Maile Chix
If you would like to help....
Contact Andrew from his facebook page
Or email me at

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't read the blog, here is the short story. This family was a next door neighbor to my family in Orem Utah. The father, a very honorable man, woke up in the night from chest pains and died that night of a heart attack. He was only 30 years old. He left a wife and six beautiful children. So what can we do? Here are a few Ideas and I am open to anything that you people would like to do or add. We can go caroling to the house and give them the presents for those that would like to be involved that do not know the family. So I guess semi anonymous, and glorious at the same time.

    K, here is what we need for the family. Toys, Clothes, Gift Cards, Dinner, and or Money. If anyone works in an office or an area that they can put out a little jar I would be happy to supply the jars with the explination. Financially bringing up 6 kids alone is very difficult and that is what seams to be one of the problems that will continue for some time. Any of these things will help.

    This will be a yearly thing, I think we can help these kids grow and be a silent part of their lives. I also have had the though of opening an account for a small help for college or something. Just a few ideas. I am open to ideas and or criticism to make this a better experience for everybody. Let's start this week so we can make a big difference in 7 people's lives.

    Please facebook message me or call me with any questions or suggestions. I will be getting their sizes and any other items in need to the best of my ability without letting them know where this is coming from.

    Thanks for all your help.
