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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

sometimes the SMALL and SIMPLE ways to SERVE are the best!

Read this story I received from Heather...

The other day my daughter & I were at Wal mart shopping for a few things.  There was this old lady who was having a hard time with her things and looked like she could use a hand.  My first instinct was to help her and then I started second guessing myself... Well, I have my daughter with me, it'll be too hard, what if she doesn't want my help, etc.  I went ahead with my gut feeling and started helping her with her bags and talking to her.  My daughter was loving it and kept saying "Hi!"  "Hi!"  and the older lady loved having some new friends to talk to.  Before she got in her car you could see the grateful look in her eyes, and that look is what made everything for that split second pure bliss.  All the worries of the world were gone and life felt meaningful.  Service is truly a gift.  It does wonders for the soul and puts things in perspective for me.  I want to thank Mallory for this challenge as it has made me step back and not dwell on my own struggles, but lend a helping hand instead.  ~Heather

A big THANKS to Heather for spreading her love with those around her. What a great example she has shown to her girls in being kind to others. We need to all spread a little more cheer! Love you Heather! Thanks again!

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