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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

pay it forward


Amber Kindred and her family are donating to this great cause. Take a look at this opportunity to service and join in their efforts!!!

Below is a recent post from



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pay It Forward

We are over joyed with the suport we're recieving for Pay It Forward and amazed to see how many left comments/emails. We heard back from PCMC and they are ecstatic about the project and know it will help so many families! Really the only "rule" they are asking is that all things be wrapped/sealed. Keep this in mind with food items. Be sure to get items in a personal size.

Here is the list for one basket/tote. We learned there are actually 44 rooms, so multiply this list by 44 and we'll have what we need :)

1 Box of Granola Bars
2 Trail Mix (Personal Size)
2 Goldfish (Personal Size)
6 Fruit Leather (At Costco you can get a box with 48 individual leathers for under $10)
Small Eye Drops (Visine)
3 Pens & Journal
Fleece Blaket for the parents (47" x 57" OR 42" x 52"- Try and go for the bigger one :) )
2 Pairs of Socks (preferably with grips on the bottom)
2 Toothbrushes
Small lotion (non-scented if possible)
Playing Cards
Disposable Camera

* With all the comments/emails the Sullenger's and Dave and I are recieving, we are coming pretty close to having all the fleece blankets accounted for, so it would be wonderful if you could focus on other items. However if you have your heart set on making a blanket or have already started making it (bought items), we will always welcome it and be sure to use them!

We're in the process of setting up a Paypal account, we're hoping to have it up and running in the next few days.

All donations or packages can be sent to:
(Chelsea Beckstrand)
1198 Pleasant View
Rexburg, ID 83440

Remember the list is only one basket. Whether you feel you can donate a box of fruit leather, chapstick, or your time by helping us in any way, it will all be greatly appreciated.

As of right now, we'll be compiling the baskets Friday December 17, 2010 at Madison Middle School in Rexburg, Idaho. We haven't designated a time yet, but we hope to soon. Madison Middle school has been kind enough to jump at the offer and we felt it was a great way to let students serve. A big thanks to MMS!

Any questions? Leave a comment or email me or Ashely at

Again thank you for the support. Our goal for this project is to lessen the burden on the families who go into PCMC PICU and because of the help from everyone we're going to be able to acheive it.

The Becktrand's & Sullenger's
Go to if you would like to donate or to recieve updated information about there project and this amazing service!!!
Thanks again Amber! Love you!

Pay It Forward
to read their story go to

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