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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Keeping the Spirit of Christmas Alive

This Christmas is the first apart from my boys, so I wanted to do something with them that was meaningful and in line with what the true spirit of Christmas is all about!  So we made plans to visit a Rehab Center and bring something to lift their spirits.  The night before the visit (and into the next day) we made 40 Coffee Filter Angels to bring the residents! 

 That night as we were driving Brennan kept telling me how excited he was to visit "All the Grandma's and Grandpa's that are alone!"  When we got there and started passing out the Angels you could see the excitement and some tears in they eye's of the people we visited and gave the Angels to!  It was an awesome experience and seeing them light up from just small talk with my boys really made me realize how important it is to spread the love and joy of the holidays, even if its just visiting with someone who otherwise wouldn't have many visitors this time of year!  Thanks for helping keep the Spirit of Christmas alive with your blog!  Merry Christmas!
-Matt & Boys

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