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***If you have an idea or know someone that is in need of help in anyway please contact me!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

toes were frozen but felt warm inside...


I have been following Mallory's blog and have been so impressed reading of all the service that is being performed. I have been wanting to contribute for weeks. I have been thinking and thinking of what I could do. I wanted to do something elaborate or over the top, but just having moved to a new place I didn't know anyone, or think of anything spectacular. I am a stay at home mom in a little city with a new baby. Time was running out! As I was thinking about what service I should do, I looked out the window to see my neighbor early this morning shoveling her stairs to get to work, later that morning I saw my other neighbor with her little boy trying to tip toe around the walk way. I then thought, service doesn't have to be elaborate or over the top to be appreciated. As soon as my husband got home I was out in that storm shoveling. Even though my toes were frozen I felt warm inside :) Merry Christmas!

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